A brief overview on activites of the collaborative economy going on in Vienna. This is a first contribution in this blog and basically it is just sketching out what is already here. The list is by far not showing everything going on in Vienna, but gives a rough first impression what kind of collaborative economic activites are going on. Enjoy and feel welcome to give feedback or add to the list.

What is going on here in Vienna. (the following is in no special order, and by far not the full spectrum)

– The city has an excellent bike-sharing system (guess you know that) Vienna Citybike (sometimes claims to have been the first one worldwide, maybe was with the first 5 ones)  https://www.citybikewien.at/ If on android, I would recommend that app for getting an overview strawling the city: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=jak.citybike

– Carsharing is popping up in the last 3 years, especially with car2go | https://www.car2go.com/de/wien/ and not as successful, but still established, Zipcar: https://www.carsharing.at/de/pub/index.cfm

– Professional Private Carsharing is still in its infancy, but professional and growing fast https://carsharing247.com/

www.willhaben.at hosted by the Styria Media company could be dubbed Austria´s 2nd hand Ebay (though fixed prices, no bidding) it is a very functional very often face to face second hand marketplace
– a very young pendant as an app is Shpock (the builders did not design any business case, but just recently sold it for about 2 million €)

– From one foodcoop in 2010 the field was/is growing fast to now coming close to 10. https://foodcoops.at/ (you find the vienna foodcoops on the right side of the side)

– A really interesting concept is "OTELO" Open Technology Laboratory – is is basically an open space, where people can work on their projects, wether technical or social technology. It is actually a rural intiative, but we want to bring it to vienna. The founder Martin Hollinetz was announced ashoka fellow in 2013, as well as "Austrian of the Year" for the Creative Industries and some states want to rollout big time. Currently there are 7 Otelos live in some small towns and about 10 initiatives about to open. www.otelo.or.at

– I personally started  "Zukunftsbibliothek Wien" "Future Library Vienna", www.zukunftsbibliothek.org a library Initiative, that is now entering its next phase of growth and permanent beta. It is private books on sustainability, entrepreneurship, personal development, collaboration, … in a public library.  The online-catalogue got finished in its first setup last week. feel free to browse, quite some books are in english, https://katalog.zukunftsbibliothek.at/ in total it si currently about 1200 in the catalogue, and we have a total stock of 3500 excellent books.

We are still building up our funding base (crowd- and donor-funding), to finance the space and minor payment for staff. Apart from the inside and membership rental concept of the library, we also follow a concept of spreading good books out in the world with stickers as "use instead of own" "Nutzen statt besitzen".

Currently we are applying for moving in a shared space with many other initiatives, a 2500 m2 building close to the city center. https://www.paradocks.at/onorthodox/ The place is really interesting, as it will be a collaborative melting pot of very different initiatives from design to sustainability to art, architecture and production. It was made possible with help of the city of vienna and other advocates to get the estate company to join in for the idea. The place will be available till end 2015. It is not free, but the conditions are favorable.

– Another really interesting and very young and energetic initiative is LEILA (which is an abbreviation of Leihladen, which means lending-shop). The concept comes from Berlin, and a young crew in Vienna is now short before opening a store in Vienna. People bring good items they do not use very often, and make the available for others, vice versa. They got a space by one city-related agency, and now renovate like cracy to go live in may https://www.facebook.com/leihladen
– Community Gardens are very well encouraged by the city: https://www.wien.gv.at/umwelt-klimaschutz/gemeinsam-garteln.html
non encouraged Guerilla Gardens are sometimes aknowledged: https://ggardening.kukuma.org/ other times police – for mixed reasons – drives the gardeners away https://17april.blogsport.eu/, but in general it is a friendly climate.
-Something very important and beautiful to mention is "Share & Care".
It is a facebook group, where people share and ask for things they want to give away or need. And they are taken/given without any financial request. I decided to go cable-internet again and do wifi just sometimes. The networkcables I installed in my home and currently use to communitcate to you were given to me by request to that list ; )
!!!holy …. cow !!!! last time I checked in there, it was 7000 people, not it is beyond 30.000  
– Also very interesting initiatives are give away shops,

– Give away parties and cloth swapping parties.

– Upcycling is in the last years, and especially currently a growing trend in Vienna.
https://wien.orf.at/news/stories/2620693/ In one District "Ottakring" they now want to make an upcycling quarter / street.
– Bicylcle selfrepair-shops:

Just recently, there was a small conference on giving, sharing and collaborating: https://mosaikderoriginale.com/stb.html


Please also have a look at the international effort we currently undertake: Mapping Alternative Economy.
Twitter #14mmm

Our Workshop at Ouishare Festival – Age of Community
Our Workshop at Open Knowledge Festival





Josef Kreitmayer


Josef Kreitmayer | |

"WHY" I am motivated and willing to contribute to shaping our collective future is my love to life, and the deep conviction, that the ways we currently organize our personal,

Things I share: “I can do things you cannot, you can do things I cannot; together we can do great things.”