Editorial & Public Engagement

Shareable produces editorial series, books, guides, feature stories, case studies, and research reports to educate, inspire, and mobilize citizens to make positive changes in their lives, organizations, and communities. We’re available to design online campaigns for both quantitative and qualitative engagement.
Editorial Projects:
Shareable’s experienced editorial staff and contractors are available to produce mission-aligned editorial projects including feature stories, promotional articles, comic strips, zines, books, and podcasts.
Communications Support:
We provide our clients with communications and outreach support for a range of community engagement projects and advocacy campaigns.
Event Media Partnership:
Over the past decade, we’ve provided both contract and in-kind promotional support to hundreds of events all over the world.
Site Sponsorship:
We work with sponsors to create tailored sponsorship packages to fit their budget and needs. Example sponsorship areas include: Site sponsorship (logo and link on the bottom of all 4,000+ articles on Shareable.net), signature events in the San Francisco Bay Area (and online), and international speaking tours. Learn more now >>

Want to learn more about our services? Inquire below: