
If you are hungry for news you can trust, journalism that helps you make decisions about your community, reporting that holds power to account, then this is for you. This is my personal advice for people who want to support journalism that matters. It is just a starting point, it is not comprehensive, and it’ll become stronger and more useful if you add your ideas to it. Use the comments to add your list of newsrooms you subscribe to and support.

Now more than ever, it is important to our democracy that we seek out and support good journalism. Every person is going to construct their media diet differently, so any list I create will be incomplete. My goal here is to provide a framework for you to find the news that will challenge, inspire, inform and engage you.

A few key pieces of advice:

  1. Support local news: Subscribe to your local newspapers, donate to nonprofit newsrooms, become a member at your public broadcasting stations and support the local businesses that advertise on community news sites. Build a relationship with your local journalists, give them feedback, tell them what you’d like to see covered, share their stories.
  2. Support a mix of media: Construct a diverse media diet with a good mix of indie and alternative news, local, national, and international coverage, niche and countervailing points of view. Get outside your bubble.
  3. Support journalism about the causes you care about: If you care about climate change, support environmental journalism. If you care about kids and schools, support a newsroom focused on education. If you care about hunger and homelessness, support reporting about poverty, etc… (more on that below)

Finally, wherever you land on the web, look for the "About" section — see if they post a code of ethics, figure out who the staff are. Here is a great guide to spotting fake and untrustworthy news.

The advice below focuses mostly on nonprofit newsrooms, but there are many commercial newsrooms who do important work and deserve your support, as well. Give them your attention, subscribe, and engage with them, too.

LOCAL NEWS: If you want to support local local news, start here. I can’t list every local newsroom deserving of your attention and your support, but there are a number of great directories where you can find links to trustworthy journalism in your area:

(There are other great newsrooms that aren’t in any of these directories. Can’t find a local newsroom near you? Tweet to me @jcstearns and I’ll help you track down a great local newsroom near you.)

NICHE AND TOPIC FOCUSED REPORTING: If you care about a specific cause, there is likely a reporting project focused on that issue. Below are a few examples organized into imperfect categories, but check out the Institute for Nonprofit News and the Media Consortium for longer lists of newsrooms covering these topics. (Add more suggestions in the comments too!)

PRESS FREEDOM: As the news landscape has shifted, fewer and fewer newsrooms and journalists have regular access to legal support and protection. This comes at a time when we have unprecedented legal, technological, and cultural threats to freedom of the press. Support these organizations who are on the front lines of defending the rights of journalists and all of us.

(Also notable are the Committee to Protect Journalists and Reporters without Borders, though their work is focused more internationally. There are other important rights organizations and government transparency groups whose work intersects with press freedom, as well.)

Photo by Glenn Halog, used via creative commons.

Building a New Infrastructure for News

As with the press freedom groups listed above, there is increasingly a need to support the organizations that support journalists. We have to help create a new infrastructure for independent media. These organizations help train journalists, offer fellowships, fund research, and support small independent newsrooms in other ways.

A few of these groups include Dart Center for Journalism and Trauma, National Association of Black Journalists, National Association of Hispanic Journalists, Maynard Institute, Asian American Journalists Association, Native American Journalists Association, National Lesbian and Gay Journalists Association, Journalism and Women Symposium, Women’s Media Center, Association for Independents in Radio, Online News Association, and others mentioned throughout this post and beyond.)

Today, creating the journalism we want, demands that we help support and defend the media we need.

These places need your support. Your donations will go a long way at all of these newsrooms and organizations. But you can support these places in other ways besides your money. Giving your time, your expertise, or your connections can all help small independent newsrooms. Share their work with a friend or family member via email, social media, or in person. Subscribe to their podcasts, email newsletters, social media accounts. Participate by attending local events, meetings that they are hosting, call-in to talk shows, share feedback when it’s asked for.

Be engaged with the journalism you care about, participate in the news that matters to you, and give what you can to support it.


Editors note from Shareable. Please also consider donating to Shareable, an independent nonprofit online magazine that publishes stories about how people, communities and organizations share and collaborate for a better society.

Article and images cross-posted from Medium. Author Josh Stearns is Associate Director, Public Square Program at the Democracy Fund. Journalism and democracy of, by and for the people. Formerly: @grdodge @freepress

Democracy Fund


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The Democracy Fund is a bipartisan foundation established by eBay founder and philanthropist Pierre Omidyar to help ensure that the American people come first in our democracy.Pierre Omidyar created the