
Do you use media to make social change?

Consider entering the 2010 We Media PitchIt! Challenge, sponsored by We Media and Ashoka’s Changemakers. The deadline: January 20, 2010. "The top finalists will pitch their ideas at We Media Miami, March 9-11, 2010," says the website. "The best entry in each category–non-profit and business–will receive a $25,000 prize to help launch their new venture." Some details:

  • Media Focus: Ideas should reflect the theme of the competition. We are searching for innovative ideas that use media to create social change.
  • Idea Stage: We’re looking for early-stage ventures or brand new ideas that have not yet been launched or built. These may be entirely new ventures, new companies or new projects from existing organizations.
  • Business or Non-Profit: There will be two categories: business and non-profit. In the business category, the funding must be used to support the start-up of a new business that will have a sustainable revenue model. In the non-profit category, the funding should be used to support the launch of a non-profit venture or the development of a new project for an existing non-profit organization.

Read more here.

Jeremy Adam Smith


Jeremy Adam Smith

Jeremy Adam Smith is the editor who helped launch Shareable.net. He's the author of The Daddy Shift (Beacon Press, June 2009); co-editor of The Compassionate Instinct (W.W. Norton

Things I share: Mainly babysitting with other parents! I also share all the transportation I can, through bikes and buses and trains and carpooling.