Behold the liberating potential of Google's self-driving car for Steve Mahan, Google self-driving car user #0000000001. Steve is legally blind.

What does this have to do with sharing? Imagine fleets of self-driving cars routed to minimize transit time and maximize butts in seats and safety. There would likely be a lot less traffic, time wasted, fuel wasted, polution, and accidents. And the blind could "drive". All the technology needed to do this already exists. 

Neal Gorenflo


Neal Gorenflo | |

Neal Gorenflo is the co-founder and board president of Shareable, an award-winning nonprofit news, action network, and consultancy for the sharing transformation. An epiphany in 2004 inspired Neal to

Things I share: Time with friends and family, stories, laughs, books, tools, ideas, nature, resources, passions, my network.